Partner with TEDxKanke

Partnerships with TEDxKanke leverage everything that makes TEDxKanke stand apart: our global, research-based ideas; our live, knowledge-sharing conferences and events; our TEDxKanke Talk content and format; and our progressive approach to education through storytelling.

A partnership with TEDxKanke is truly unique, immersive, and meaningful. It has the power to create change, transform minds and perspectives, and shift cultures within organizations.

TEDxKanke allows you to –

  • Connect with thought leaders
  • Contribute to the vision of Ideas Worth Spreading
  • Collaborate with like-minded people
  • Impact the future
  • Leverage ideas, technologies, design, and education
  • Invest in creating the community with the belief in ideas worth spreading.

For information on how to support TEDxKanke conferences through in-kind donations of products or services, please email